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Connor Jetton
Dec 3, 20203 min read
Next-Gen Horror with Resident Evil Village
Imagine waking up in a frigid village away from your home and family. You need to take refuge in an abandon house to get away from that...
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Adelaide Green
Nov 28, 20202 min read
Going behind the newest coming of age film about coming out: Egghead and Twinkie
Experiences are the foundations of opening doors for people to have new opportunities and new conversations with themselves. Or, at least...
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Connor Jetton
Jun 17, 20204 min read
Five PS5 Predictions
Sony’s next-generation console, the PlayStation 5 is just around the corner. With a Holiday 2020 release window, it’s time to speculate...
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Connor Jetton
May 31, 20203 min read
P.T.: A glimpse into a game that never was
P.T. or “Playable Teaser” was meant to announce a new installment in the Silent Hill franchise called Silent Hills from famed game...
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Connor Jetton
May 21, 20203 min read
Resident Evil 7 brings series back to its roots
Resident Evil 6 was an action packed, globe-trotting adventure that alienated fans of traditional horror games, however Resident Evil 7...
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May 15, 20203 min read
COVID-19's effects on musicians and the local scene
Alfie Moiśes, a musician currently quarantining in Miami, FL, plays bass in an all brown, all femme punk band. The band, Axetone, was...
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Nicole Billing
May 11, 20202 min read
Five ways Animal Crossing: New Horizons can help cure quarantine blues
On March 20, a brand-new Animal Crossing game was released on the Nintendo Switch, offering players everywhere a distraction from the...
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Kristen Boehm
May 11, 20203 min read
Five ways content creators have adapted to the world of Coronavirus
Five ways content creators have adapted to the world of Coronavirus With people all over the world stuck at home due to the coronavirus...
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Bella Straub/Lauren Wood
Apr 24, 20203 min read
Put down 'The Office.' We've got something better for you.
Let’s face it: being stuck at home under quarantine orders can get a bit boring. However, this means you finally have time to start all...
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Julia Gennocro
Apr 24, 20203 min read
Five IGTV’s to help you de-stress during the Coronavirus
During the era of the coronavirus, it is easy to get trapped in the vortex of anxiety and uncertainty. Luckily, author, content creator...
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Olivia Sawdy
Apr 24, 20202 min read
Five Disney Recipes to make while in quarantine
Although Walt Disney World is closed right now due to the Corona Virus, Disney has been kind enough to share some new recipes never...
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Campbell Horn
Apr 24, 20202 min read
Isolation Olympics: How to have fun and get stuff done in quarantine
Families everywhere are faced with an incoming feeling of existential boredom, due to COVID-19. As a way to appease this some have...
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