Have you seen them? USF Tampa’s beloved campus ducks went into quarantine along with the students and staff.
The Cairina moschata, more commonly known as the Muscovy duck, are native to Mexico and Central and South America, but have a long history of being invasive in Florida.
Though they have been around the USF campuses for years, the ducks are best known for their presence at the Tampa campus.
The ducks were last seen during the weeks following Spring Break before the complete closure of the campus due to COVID-19 concerns.
Since then, it seems the ducks have not only had free-range over the campus, but have flocked to other neighborhoods in search of human interaction and more resources.
Allegedly, there were a few ruffled feathers over the ducks’ lack of social distancing and authorities had to ‘quack’-down on their plans.
The ducks were unavailable to comment, and no confirmation has been made by authorities.
Though rumors of a newly established D.E.A.—Duck Enforcement Agency— called F.O.W.L. have also been spread through the campus.
Again, there has been no confirmation from authorities.
For now, like the rest of society, they are all sitting ducks quarantined in their nests, checking the web for updates and new information regarding the coronavirus.
Students are looking forward to hearing the duck-tales when they return in the fall.